Beyond the Mirror: Why Your Self-Perception Matters More Than Your Reflection
Shawn Lehner

The mirror and the reflection it produces are not inherently flawed, but it is our own perception that can become distorted. The reflection we see is a translation between our eyes, the mirror's surface, and how we view ourselves, which can be impacted by various internal and external factors.

It's crucial to acknowledge that our perception of ourselves is within our control, and we have the power to shift it in a positive direction. By working on our self-awareness and challenging any negative self-talk or limiting beliefs, we can begin to see ourselves in a more positive light.

In essence, the reflection that we see is a result of our own subjective self-perception, which is influenced by our past experiences, beliefs, and societal expectations. Thus, we have the ability to create a reflection that is empowering, uplifting, and true to who we are by changing the way we choose to see ourselves. By embracing a more positive self-image, we can cultivate a stronger sense of self-esteem and self-worth that is not based on external validation but on our own beliefs and values.

While the mirror and the reflection it produces are not inherently flawed, many people struggle with negative self-perception that can lead to a distorted self-image. When we allow negative self-talk to take over, we can create a distorted reflection of ourselves that is not aligned with reality.

The feedback we receive from others can also impact this self-perception, but only if we allow it. If we consistently hear negative feedback from others, it can reinforce negative beliefs about ourselves and lead to a more negative self-image. However, it's essential to remember that this feedback is based on THEIR own perceptions, which may not align with our true selves or how others see us. 

To combat negative self-perception and external feedback, it's important to develop a strong sense of self-awareness and self-worth. By challenging negative self-talk and limiting beliefs, we can begin to see ourselves in a more positive light. It's also crucial to surround ourselves with positive and supportive people who uplift and encourage us to be our best selves, not cut down other people or talk negatively about each other when they arent around. 

It's important to recognize that negative self-perception is not always an accurate reflection of reality. The perception we have of ourselves is often shaped by past experiences, societal pressures, and the opinions of others. But just as these factors can influence our self-perception in a negative way, they can also be harnessed to cultivate a positive self-image. By focusing on our strengths and accomplishments, and embracing our unique qualities and attributes, we can create a more accurate and positive self-reflection. It's up to us to choose which reflection we want to see in the mirror and make a conscious effort to reinforce it with positive self-talk and self-love.

Always remember that our self-perception is not set in stone and can change over time. It's not uncommon for our self-image to fluctuate based on life circumstances, and that's okay. Instead of becoming discouraged by moments of negative self-perception, we can use them as opportunities for growth and self-reflection. By developing a mindset of self-compassion and self-improvement, we can gradually shift our perception of ourselves to one that is more positive, empowering, and true to who we are. Remember, we have the power to create the reflection we want to see in the mirror and live a life full of confidence and self-love.

In conclusion, the reflection we see in the mirror is based on our own perception of ourselves, which can be influenced by both internal and external factors. By taking control of our self-perception and surrounding ourselves with positivity, we can create a reflection that is empowering and true to who we are. 

If you felt a relation to this and had something to take away, stay tuned as there will be a follow up on ways to combat negative self reflection. 

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